Preventing Workplace Harassment
Sexual and other harassment due to protected classes, such as gender, race, and age continue to hurt organizations. This illegal conduct leaves emotional and psychological scars on targeted employees. Further, it also hurts overall team morale, productivity, collaboration, and other important objectives for a constructive workplace. Even perpetrators may not appreciate the risks they take when engaging in this conduct. A workplace that allows—and even encourages—this improper conduct cannot promote respect for all employees to obtain their best performance.
Manager Version
This scenario-led training offers strategies for preventing unlawful harassment and helps managers understand how to respond appropriately when they learn of it. It also addresses the risk of liability to both the business and a manager if he or she fails to stop harassment or personally engages in harassing behavior.
Duration: 70 minutes
Employee Version
This scenario-led training offers strategies for preventing unlawful harassment and helps employees understand how to respond appropriately if they witness or learn about this conduct. Finally, it provides employees with guidance about how to seek guidance or raise concerns regarding workplace harassment.
Duration: 60 minutes
Delivery Method
This course is delivered as an online eLearning course, designed to help employees learn at their own pace and in their own environment at their own convenience. Learners will require access to the computer and internet.
When selecting the quantity, please select the number of employees that will be trained and require a license to this course. As purchaser, you will act as an administrator, add learners from your company, and assign the training to each learner.
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